Steam baths were especially popular with the Greeks and Romans in ancient history. The use of steam baths quickly spread to Turkey, as well as Russia and Europe. Today, steam baths are installed at almost any place for people to use and enjoy at a reasonable cost.
The steam bath operates effectively at a relative humidity above 100% and at temperatures between 43°C (110°F) and 46°C (116°F). Hot Steam should be present permanently in a steam bath. To maintain the steam or mist, an efficient steam generator and an accurate control system is required. A steam-tight room or cabin is also important to avoid steam from escaping and wasting the steam produced.
Steam baths are a good way to relax and relieve an individual from stress. The heat alleviates pain and inflammation and relaxes the muscles. This is beneficial especially for people with arthritis or muscle aches. The heat dilates the air passageways of the lungs, facilitating effective breathing; this is a big relief to people suffering from asthma.
Steam baths are helpful in purifying and detoxifying our skin as the heat causes the increase of the flow of blood to the skin. During steam baths, adults are known to sweat out about 2 lbs of water per hour, this process helps get rid of dirt and filth from the skin pores. As a result the skin gives off a healthy glow.
While in a steam bath, a state of hyperthermia (above the normal state of 37.5 °C or 98.6ºF) is induced. This stimulates the functioning of an individual’s immune system, during this time the growth and multiplication of viruses and bacteria is forced to inhibit or slows down. Also, during this process, the generation of white blood cells is increased and the production of anti-bodies and cancer-fighting interferons speeds up.
Generally, steam heat decreases joints rigidity and muscular pain. It also increases blood circulation and extensibility of the tissues. It enhances total cleansing of the lymph system and is very effective in removing impurities and toxins from the skin. It improves vascular flow, thus enhancing the exchange of nutrient, and oxygen between tissues and cells. Recently, steam heat has been discovered to have a positive therapeutic effect to infectious diseases and cancer.
The optimum health benefits of steam baths can be obtained by observing the correct way of enjoying a steam bath. Here are the necessary steps:
To do so, you must take a shower prior to the first session. Your stay inside the steam bath should be according to your personal sensitivity, it is advised not to go beyond 15 to 20 minutes per session. If you find the heat unbearable, cool water or fresh air should be used in cooling off your skin. If you have cold feet, you may take a warm footbath. Never take more than 2 to 3 sessions in the steam bath. If other types of bath are available, you may switch from one to another but ensure that you are thoroughly cooled off after each session to avoid overtaxing your circulation.
Author : Jason Case writes articles for If you are looking for information on steam baths stop and in and check us out, for all the latest information on steam baths and steam showers for your home.
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14 years ago
1 comment:
i agree! that steam bath are good way to relieve an individual from stress.
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