Water heaters at the lake or cottage have the ability to either spring a leak in the spring or almost it seems some of the time spontaneously. At your vacation spot the repair person or plumber may be rather inaccessible, costly or both. Have no fear or daunting. To replace a water heater is nowhere as difficult as it might appear.
To replace a leaky or broken water heater is not a difficult process. It boils down to two steps. First to remove the older piece of equipment. Next to install your new replacement water heater. Of course as well you will have to find a way to environmentally dispose of heater number one.
What are the steps? First of all we are assuming that in most cases you have a standard ac electric power water heater rather than a natural gas or propane one.
To start off turn off the ac electric power to your water heater. Turn off the power breaker on the control panel in your cottage or lake chalet. If you are unsure if the power is totally turned off you can either turn off the main breaker to the whole residence or if you have the knowledge or a friend with the equipment and knowledge use and electrical tester to check the wires coming into the heater for current. At the worst you can turn off the main breaker again.
Once you are certain (for sure) that there is no electric current whatsoever coming into the heater, then disconnect the wires that enter the heater. It never hurts to tag these wires on the old heater with colored tape or tags just in case you have to reverse your repair or need a model to refer to.
Similar to turning off the current to the water heater you now want to turn off the water coming into the water heater. Otherwise you will have a “flood”. As well it is very dangerous to work around electricity with loose water present. You have several choices.
You should easily find the tap for the input of water into the water heater. It will be the single cold water line in. Simply follow that cold water line that is flowing into the hot water heater. Not far along you will find a standard garden type water faucet. Close it (clockwise). Next to be on the absolutely safe side, shut off the main water tap that leads into your abode. It never hurts to play it safe and be redundant. Better safe than sorry.
You will have to drain the waste water from the water tank. You could leave it in.
However the water tank will be very very heavy and unwieldy to cart away. As well it will leak more come next spring, when it unthaws – wherever it is lying. Take a standard garden house, of proper length. Attach the end of the garden hose to the outflow of the water heater (close to the bottom and base of the tank), and drain the tank outside. The end outlet of the hose of course must be lower than the tank drain.
After the tank is empty and drained simply unscrew the water pipes of the hot water heater. To unscrew you will need a good strong wrench turned counter clockwise. The inlet pipe may be labeled “cold” and the outlet pipe “hot”.
Now all you have to do is “pull out” the heater. If you live in an earthquake prone regional location, you may find that your heater is “strapped in”. You will have to undo the straps. It is not unlike undoing a belt. However it may be heavier and may require the assistance of more than one person.
Now that your older, broken or leaking water heater is removed you will now have to do the reverse and install the newer device. It is basically the same procedure as removing the old one, only in reverse.
First the new water heater is placed in the same place as the first one. This is assuming that you do not want to change the location or plumbing. After all why make life more difficult than it need be.
Clean the pipes thoroughly before attaching them to the new water heater. A wire brush can do the trick easily.
Once you have the two pipes attached (cold one intake, hot one is output), you will need to fill up the tank with water. The trick is to empty the hot water of air at the same time as you fill it. Otherwise when the hot water is turned on, the air and water may gurgle out of the tap. Simply turn on both the water inlet tap (at the bottom of the tank) and at the same time run a hot water tap in a sink in your cottage or chalet. Just remember to turn off the tap when you are finished.
Lastly attach the electrical power wires to the tank. Just to make sure once more – check that the power breakers are in the off position. Ensure thoroughly that everything is dry in the area around the water heater. If you are unsure wait a day or so. With the breakers off and unpowered attach the electrical power cables to the water heater (exactly as they were before on the old tank). After that is done and checked turn on the breakers. It may take more than several hours to heat up the water fully, especially if the water is stone cold well water in the spring time.
You now have completed the procedure of replacing your electric water heater at your lake or cottage. Stand back and admire your handiwork. If you are leaving your retreat for a good time period, it might be a good idea to both turn off the water and power if you are going to be away for a good spell until your next return. Enjoy your retreat.
Author : Manitoba Chalet Hot Water Heater ReplacementManitoba Golf Course CareLake Manitoba Fishing Lodges
Monday, 24 August 2009
Replacing Your Cottage Or Vacation Chalet Hot Water Tank.
Tips To Prepare For Your Move.
For many people, the thought of getting ready to move can induce stress and anxiety. However, moving doesn't have to be a chaotic, disorganized experience. By planning ahead and following a few simple tips for preparing for your move, you'll find that getting ready to move to your new home isn't as bad as you thought it would be.
1. Have a Packing Plan
Even though it may take a little extra time on the front end to organize your moving boxes, you'll be really glad that you did after the fact. By keeping track of what is inside each of your moving boxes, you'll avoid the stress of digging through ten different boxes to find something you need to locate right away.
Put a moving box in each room of your home when you start packing, and exert every effort to keep items that will go in the same room at your new house boxed together. The more you can group items together in the same way they will need to be unpacked, the less stressful the overall move will be. It's also a good idea to keep a list that details which items are enclosed in each box. The more details you have about what is in each box, the easier your move will be in the long run.
Make sure that each box is clearly labeled. You can write the room on the outside of the box, or color coordinate each labels. You may want to use a special color or marking on boxes that you know you will need to open and unpack right away.
Indicate what room the box came from by either writing the room on the outside of the box or by color coordinating your labels. For example, boxes packed with items from the bedroom get a blue label. For boxes you know you will need to open the first day you arrive, such as boxes containing sheets and towels, also mark them with a red label for easy identification.
2. Don't Procrastinate
If you wait until the last minute to start packing, you'll find yourself frantically throwing items into boxes and will be exhausted when the actual removalists turn up. It's in your best interest to start packing items you are not currently using several weeks before the day of your actual move. Even if you are hiring movers to handle the actual packing for you, it's a good idea to start early getting your belongings grouped together and ready for packing.
3. Get Rid of Things You Don't Use
Start packing the least organized parts of your house first. If you have a room or closet that is a designated junk area, start with that room. Use a discriminating eye when packing these areas, setting aside things you haven't used in a while to sell in a pre-moving yard sale or to donate to charity. Continue on with the same mindset as you attack the closets, drawers, and cabinets throughout your home. There is no good reason to pack and move things that no one in your household is likely to ever use again. Keep in mind that you are only wasting time, energy, and likely money if you take things that you aren't ever going to use to your new home with you. Remember the less the removalists have to move the quicker it will be done and the less they will charge you.
Author : Visit our website for one of the most experienced removalists in Sydney. Nick Jones has been doing removals, Sydney wide, for more then 20 years. Come and read what his customers have to say: http://www.jonesremovals.com.au
The Basics About Steam Baths.
Steam baths were especially popular with the Greeks and Romans in ancient history. The use of steam baths quickly spread to Turkey, as well as Russia and Europe. Today, steam baths are installed at almost any place for people to use and enjoy at a reasonable cost.
The steam bath operates effectively at a relative humidity above 100% and at temperatures between 43°C (110°F) and 46°C (116°F). Hot Steam should be present permanently in a steam bath. To maintain the steam or mist, an efficient steam generator and an accurate control system is required. A steam-tight room or cabin is also important to avoid steam from escaping and wasting the steam produced.
Steam baths are a good way to relax and relieve an individual from stress. The heat alleviates pain and inflammation and relaxes the muscles. This is beneficial especially for people with arthritis or muscle aches. The heat dilates the air passageways of the lungs, facilitating effective breathing; this is a big relief to people suffering from asthma.
Steam baths are helpful in purifying and detoxifying our skin as the heat causes the increase of the flow of blood to the skin. During steam baths, adults are known to sweat out about 2 lbs of water per hour, this process helps get rid of dirt and filth from the skin pores. As a result the skin gives off a healthy glow.
While in a steam bath, a state of hyperthermia (above the normal state of 37.5 °C or 98.6ºF) is induced. This stimulates the functioning of an individual’s immune system, during this time the growth and multiplication of viruses and bacteria is forced to inhibit or slows down. Also, during this process, the generation of white blood cells is increased and the production of anti-bodies and cancer-fighting interferons speeds up.
Generally, steam heat decreases joints rigidity and muscular pain. It also increases blood circulation and extensibility of the tissues. It enhances total cleansing of the lymph system and is very effective in removing impurities and toxins from the skin. It improves vascular flow, thus enhancing the exchange of nutrient, and oxygen between tissues and cells. Recently, steam heat has been discovered to have a positive therapeutic effect to infectious diseases and cancer.
The optimum health benefits of steam baths can be obtained by observing the correct way of enjoying a steam bath. Here are the necessary steps:
To do so, you must take a shower prior to the first session. Your stay inside the steam bath should be according to your personal sensitivity, it is advised not to go beyond 15 to 20 minutes per session. If you find the heat unbearable, cool water or fresh air should be used in cooling off your skin. If you have cold feet, you may take a warm footbath. Never take more than 2 to 3 sessions in the steam bath. If other types of bath are available, you may switch from one to another but ensure that you are thoroughly cooled off after each session to avoid overtaxing your circulation.
Author : Jason Case writes articles for http://www.steam-bath.net If you are looking for information on steam baths stop and in and check us out, for all the latest information on steam baths and steam showers for your home.
Makeovers For The Kitchen.
The kitchen in a home is a gathering place for many families. To keep this space light and airy, a homeowner might spruce up the space by buying a new table styled to accommodate the growing number of family members. The kitchen can become a gracious place for guests to sit if new chairs are ordered from a factory, and while the family members are visiting they might talk about which style of table to replace the older model used in the home.
When the new table is fitted with high back chairs that curve gently at the middle, it might bring back happy times of growing up in the South. Bar stools could be placed at the counter to give children a place to visit and some bar stool back might make it seem like people are at a soda jerk hotspot and mingling like they were living in another era. Makeovers for the kitchen do not have to be expensive or require a lot of time to finish. A fresh vase of flowers each day could make the space fragrant and inviting to guests who like to visit year round.
The makeover efforts achieved for the home gardener could include windowsills where herbs could grow. This simple addition could turn the kitchen style from dark and dreary to bright and cheery in short time because many herb growing gardens slip right into place with no tools required. Foods will be more flavorful when this kitchen makeover is finished and the occupants of the home can benefit from the sun shining in the home keeping spirits high and invigorated at all times.
Major makeovers for a kitchen might result in new kitchen cabinetry or a new life for cabinets that have been in place for years. The homeowner might prefer to change things up a bit by choosing kitchen cabinets that feature more drawers and pantry's to store foods in. Custom made cabinets can accommodate special sized foods and give homemakers room to store home appliances when they are not being used. Clearing countertops of unused items is the quickest makeover for the kitchen spaces in a home.
Instead of replacing kitchen cabinets, some homeowners take a real quick route to achieving a new cabinet style by changing hardware on all drawers. The hardware might change direction to so that some disability needs are met by someone living in the home. A new entry way that includes a ramp will make a home more accessible to those that must travel with the aid of a wheelchair. A quick makeover of the present porch railing will allow people with disabilities to reach it when necessary.
While an expensive undertaking, homeowners often enjoy buying new home appliances to brighten up a new kitchen. The new aluminum styled metals will make kitchens seem regal and warming to visitors. Some cooks will feel like they are on top of the world when they explore the new ceramic surfaces that are offered on cooking stove tops. All of these little makeovers will create a space that the entire family can enjoy for years and when little makeovers are done throughout the year then major renovations are often avoided.
Author : James Brown writes about Ace Hardware discounts, FaucetDirect.com coupon code and Hechinger Hardware promo code.
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Labels: Cabinet, Construction and Maintenance, Family, Furnishings, Home and Garden, Kitchen, Materials and Supplies